Recruitment and Testing
Commission staff have an active outreach program, in coordination with the Police Department, to recruit candidates for Police Officer. The Board has a long-standing commitment to ensuring the Public Safety of the Rockton community. Applicants must meet minimum requirements, set by the State of Illinois for Police Officers. Commission staff develop and administer a variety of examinations, including written, physical ability and oral tests, a background investigation, a medical examination, and drug screening. Applicants who pass all components are hired according to their total score on an Eligible List. Police Officers are hired at intervals for training classes. Commission staff develop and administer promotional examinations for all positions in the Department which are not specifically exempt. Tests are comprehensive, and may include written, oral, and job simulation components. The Commission does not test for positions, including administrative ranks, which are classified as "exempt". When such a position is vacant, the mayor nominates a candidate for Village Board approval.